The Power Breakfast Series - The Original Jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court of Justice and the Private Sector
February 20, 2024
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Event Description

The St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture continues its Power Breakfast Series. On February 20, 2024, the Chamber in collaboration with Caribbean Court of justice presents a most informative and important dialogue on “The Caribbean Court of Justice and the Court’s Jurisdiction under the Original Jurisdiction.

This is part of the Chamber’s work in ensuring Members are well informed, knowledgeable and understand the role and functioning of critical institutions that support, impact and regulate the business and economic environment within which they operate.

Members are urged to come learn, understand, and become more aware of issues such as the Original Jurisdiction of the Court. This is part of the CCJ’s program of engagement and sensitizing the Business Community under the Original Jurisdiction which will cover among other things, the Fundamental Rights and Benefits to Private Persons under the Core Regimes of the CARICOM Single Market, and Economy (CSME) including:

·       Free movement of goods;

·       Right of establishment;

·       Free provision of services;

·       Free movement of capital and

·       Free movement of Community nationals.

Also, to be discussed is the special role of private persons in bringing a case to the CCJ and Special features of accessing the Original Jurisdiction.

Honourable Justice Peter Jamadar-CCJ Judge and Chair of the Caribbean Association for Judicial Officers. Dr Jan Yves Remy Director, Shrida Ramphal Centre the West Indies CAVE HILL CAMPUS are our Keynote Presenters.

The St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce is pleased to collaborate with the Caribbean Court of Justice in helping to educate and inform members on these important subjects and helping them to better understand how the CCJ can work for the business community.

Please register early for this most crucial Power Breakfast. Come learn and understand, ask questions and become better informed.

Register now.

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Frequently asked questions
Where is the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce located?
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The St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture is located at Orange Park Commercial Building, 1st Floor, Bois D’Orange, Gros Islet.

Is the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce part of the government?
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While most chambers work closely with government, they are not part of government  

What are the benefits of being a member of the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce?
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Advocating on behalf of members with the public sector. Increased visibility and credibility. Business training and education information sharing and networking.

What is the main purpose of the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce?
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A chamber of commerce is an organization of business owners and entrepreneurs who promote the interests of their local business community. Chambers of commerce provide access to valuable resources, discounts, and relationships that help businesses save money and market their products.

What powers does the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce have?
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Chambers of Commerce will act to promote public policies that are in the best interest of business, in general. Specific Chambers of Commerce may also attempt to promote policies that serve specific industries or geographic locations.