Chamber Advocacy Subjects
The Chamber represents the interest of members when providing input to the government. Businesses therefore have a chance to let their voices be heard via The Chamber of Commerce.
Strategic Advocacy
Our Advocacy effort aims at influencing public policy in an open, transparent way. Our Advocacy always seeks to address issues of broad concern to the members, community, and country. We always make a case for change by presenting evidence and balanced informed arguments.
Increase Local Investment
Development of Specific Regimes and Programs that will encourage and facilitate, increased investment from Local Sources.
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Prioritize Agricultural Sector
Raise the priority given to investment in Agriculture to attract and support youth in Agriculture.
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Education & Skill
Advocate and Support Education Reform that will lead to improved Human Resources available to the private sector.
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Trade Facilitation
Improve the Environment and Administrative Conditions for the conduct of business.
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Current Topics & Focus
We seek to persuade others of our perspective and we offer solutions. We always wish to advance convergence, mutual understanding, and relationships with officials who we hope are willing to listen.
Push to Increase Price of Local Pork
Making it easier to do business
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Price Escalation
Making it easier to do business
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Health and Security Levy
Making it easier to do business
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OECS Credit Bureau
Making it easier to do business
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Capacity Limits and Renewable Energy Pricing
Making it easier to do business
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Law and Order
Making it easier to do business
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Expansion of Price Control List
Making it easier to do business
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